How to create connection string 2012 to sql server 2012

In this section of tutorial, I will show you a several different ways to create connection string from 2012 to Sql Server 2012.

1. First Example.
    First of all We have to have a database.

    - Open your sql server then type the code that shown below :


     - Type this codes :
        create database contoh_1
        use database contoh_1
        create table contoh
            id int identity(1,1),
            keterangan varchar(20),

        If you already written code above then press "F5" to create it.

        - The database already created, now I will show you how to create the connection string in

        1. Open Visual Studio 2012.
        2. Create New Project -> Choose "Windows Form" then will display like image below.

        3. After that you just need to press "F7" to show the codes area like image below

         - Type This Codes :

       Imports System.Data.SqlClient
       Public Class Form1
              Dim con As SqlConnection = Nothing
              Dim cmd As SqlCommand = Nothing
              Dim str As String = Nothing

              Sub koneksiDB()
                  str = "data source = INTERNOFATEAM\LENOVOSQL; database = contoh_1; user id = sa;    password = password_sql_anda"
                  con = New SqlConnection(str)
                  MsgBox("Koneksi Berhasil Dibuka.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Informasi")
              End Sub

              Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
              End Sub
       End Class

        - After you type the code like above then you press "F5" to running the program, and if you made it the program will show you the message box like below.

        - The First Ways to create the connection string already done, I will give you another example and project in the next section.

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