Ebook - Security Concepts

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I wrote this paper to try and examine the typical problems in computer security and related areas, and attempt to extract from them principles for defending systems. To this end I attempt to synthesize various fields of knowledge, including computer security, network security, cryptology, and intelligence. I also attempt to extract the principles and implicit assumptions behind cryptography and the protection of classified information, as obtained through reverse-engineering (that is, informed speculation based on existing regulations and stuff I read in books), where they are relevant to technological security.

konten konten yang ada di ebook

  1. Metadata
  2. Security Properties
  3. Security Models
  4. Security Concepts
  5. Economics of Security
  6. Adversary Modeling
  7. Threat Modeling
  8. Physical Security
  9. Hardware Security
  10. Distributed Systems
  11. Identification and Authentication
  12. Authorization – Access Control
  13. Secure System Administration
  14. Logging
  15. Reporting
  16. Abuse Detection
  17. Abuse Response
  18. Forensics
  19. Privacy
  20. Intrusion Response
  21. Network Security
  22. Email Security
  23. Web Security
  24. Software Security
  25. Human Factors and Usability
  26. Attack PatternsTrust and Personnel Security
  27. Cryptography
  28. Randomness and Unpredictability
  29. Cryptanalysis
  30. Lateral Thinking
  31. Information and Intelligence
  32. Conflict and Combat
  33. Security Principles
  34. Common Arguments
  35. Editorials, Predictions, Polemics, and Personal Opinions
Deskripsi Ebook :
Author(s): Theodore Parker
Ukuran FIle: 1.65 MB
Halaman: 246

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